Technical Articles

Active Filter Design
Explains how to design Butterworth, Bessel and Chebyshev active filters. Filter Pole tables are included

Nodal Analysis of Op Amps
Explains how to derive the transfer function of op amp circuits to determine how they will behave

Advanced Op Amp Theory
A detailed look at Op Amp Behaviour at ac including Open Loop Gain, Closed Loop Gain, Loop Gain, Phase Margin and Gain Margin

QPSK Modulation Demystified
Explains how to use high school mathematics to work out how modern communication systems work

Op Amp Noise Analysis
Explains how to calculate the output noise of an op amp circuit and verifies the results in LTspice®

The Wien Bridge Oscillator
The mathematics behind how they work

Digital Control of a Power Supply
How to add digital control to any power supply

Control Theory of Second Order Systems
Control Theory brought to life with real life circuit examples

RF Impedance Matching Using LTspice
Learn about RF impedance matching and how to use LTspice to check your calculations

Loop Gain and its Effect on Analogue Circuit Performance
Learn what loop gain is and how it affects analogue circuits

Learn about the MAX32625PICO - and ARM based microcontroller in DIP package. Learn how to use Eclipse (the free IDE) to program it

More Bang for your Boost
Learn how to increase the operating range of a boost converter using boot strapping

Build a Spirit Level for the Visually Impaired
Design a spirit level using a tilt sensor and a buzzer for the visually impaired

Generating Stereo WAV files in LTspice
Learn how to generate stereo WAV files in LTspice

Precision Silicon Temperature Sensing
Build a precision temperature sensor that can measure to 0.1

Uninterruptible Power Supply
Build an uninterruptible power supply for home appliances

Vibration Analysis using LTspice for Condition Based Monitoring Systems
Use LTspice to analyse the frequency content of vibration data for use in condition based monitoring systems


© Copyright Simon Bramble